#!/bin/sh . /lib/functions/guard.sh guard "dhcp" # quieten down dnsmasq a bit (do not log lease-mgmt) uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].quietdhcp=1 # dnsmasq should not care for 'wan', # prevents: daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP packet received on xxx-wan which has no address. uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].notinterface='wan' # on IPv6-islands we also should give a default-route to the clients, # so they can also reach IPv6-neighbours. uci set dhcp.dhcp.ra_default=1 # add dns entry frei.funk uci set dhcp.frei_funk=domain uci set dhcp.frei_funk.name=frei.funk uci set dhcp.frei_funk.ip= # add dns entry frei.funk for ipv6 router_ula=$(uci get network.globals.ula_prefix | sed -e 's/\/48/1/') uci set dhcp.frei_funk_ipv6=domain uci set dhcp.frei_funk_ipv6.name=frei.funk uci set dhcp.frei_funk_ipv6.ip=$router_ula # don't send default-route to clients to prevent them sending pakets # to us, that we can't forward now uci add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='3' uci commit dhcp